Saturday, May 16, 2009

Blog Candy

Hello Everyone!

I hope that your Saturday morning is off to a great start! Around here, we are spring cleaning....where does all the junk come from?!?! We have set a lot of junk on the curb for the garbage collector and would you believe that somebody took it? I guess the saying is true, our junk is treasure for somebody and they are most welcome to have it! I'm still sorting through the kids clothes and placing clothing they have outgrown into bags for charity. I tell ya' kids grow so fast!

Joy's Blog Candy

In the meantime, I would like to share with you another blog candy discovery. Joy (A Place To Be Me) has some awesome blog candy that she would like to share. Please drop by and say "Aloha" to Joy when you have a moment.

Thank you for stopping by and have a great day!



1 comment:

Deb said...

lol re the garbage, so funny! I am trying to sort my kids clothes too, it is a never ending task!
Hope you are having a fabulous weekend! Debx